Activity Profile

  • $
    Open to Offer
  • Age limit: 0-15
Amanda k

Getting some exercise

Taking walks with pets and children os something i love can do brief walks around the block get the full 60 minutes of exercise thats recommend for kids

  • Service Type
    Child Care / Nanny
  • Methodology

Services available based on need no fee required if in range of shift if walk is ask for at end of shift or is an extra hour picked up base pay will be charged I also like taking hiking trips walks down the boulder Trail through town picnics pools and other activities

Provider Refund and Cancellation Policy

Pay for hours worked depending on circumstances will do overtime for base pay if job is canceled or position is filled by someone believed to be a better fit completely understandable if you feel like job has been fulfilled before potential end notice is required at least 3 days prior if job is extended agreed terms will stay in place some terms to default policy apply (less than 12 hours notice charged up to 50%)

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