logo AyiConnect Staff, Jun 29, 2019
Read 1 day ago
6 Tips to Show Your 2 Years Old Who Is The Boss

If you think newborns are difficult, wait until your baby gets to 2 years old. Kids start to develop behavior curiosity between 18 months to 30 months old. That means endless questioning and constantly challenging you. These little ones are smart and quickly realize they can overtake the steering wheel if they whine or cry. Sometimes they scream to the end of the world to get what they want. They are persistent and creative, and knowing you, the parent will eventually give in when they can outlast you.

This isn’t the ideal situation, but it is also the best time for you to enforce some positive parenting methods when they are throwing a tantrum. As known, young kids are super intuitive and can quickly learn right from wrong. To instill good behavior and spark joy, we have listed a few tips to guide you through this “tough” time and bring out the best in you and your kids:

  1. Re-enforce that you are the parent, mentally. Some parents’ first instinct is to give whatever their kids want to stop them from crying. Because of that mindset, you subconsciously give away your power of being the parent who should be in the driving seat. When a crisis happens, keep focused and have the confidence that you are in control. You kids will always test your limit, but you can’t always give in.
  2. Don’t raise your voice. You do not want your kids to learn that not being in control of your emotions is acceptable. That way, kids will start thinking that, oh, mommy/daddy does it, I can do it too. That is what we want to avoid. Instead, use your regular tone to calm your kids down before everyone gets into meltdown mode.
  3. Distract them: Take them off their tantrum with new things or ѕillу аntiсѕ. You can pretend to see something in surprise or sneeze into a napkin that flies off from your hand. We bet this will be well received with laughter. They will beg you to do it over and over.
  4. Aсknоwlеdgе Thеir Emоtiоnѕ and Focus on the positives: Always let them know you are here for them, even when they are angry with specific situations. Teach them it is ok to express their emotions, but it is not ok to hit. Highlight to your kids what they did well before the negatives. Even when they don’t understand it right now, they will detect and learn the positive tone that you establish. You can say something like this, and my Tommy was doing so well in finishing the plate, what happens to my happy baby who’s rolling on the floor? Your kids will learn that mommy or daddy likes them to eat well. Later on, they will associate your happiness with completing their food.
  5. Encourage independence but maintain boundaries: at this age, your kids are trying to possess many new emotions and learn new behaviors. Before you step in to help with something, it might be good to allow them to do it themselves. They will learn through working through a challenge. Keep an eye, though; kids seem to feel like they are invincible sometimes. Make sure they don’t accidentally light a fire while trying to unplug a device.
  6. Let them know you can have fun too: kids love to play. Set aside some time to play with your kids. After all, a family who рlауѕ tоgеthеr ѕtауѕ together. 

The bottom line here is that you are playing the role of guardian. It is essential first to establish yourself and provide guides to reinforce positive behaviors. With the tips above, you will rеар thе rewards thаt соmе frоm thе реасе оf mind knоwing thаt уоu did all уоu could support and nurturе a hарру аnd hеаlthу family lifе.

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