For Family

7 Tips for a Smooth Transition When Changing Postpartum Nannies

7 Tips for a Smooth Transition When Changing Postpartum Nannies


Changing postpartum nannies can be a challenging and emotional process for both parents and children...

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A confinement nanny caring for a newborn baby.

Should We Tip a Confinement Nanny?


When it comes to tipping a postpartum confinement nanny, many new parents have questions about it. L...

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bilingual learning, physical activity, children's games, brain development, bilingual childcare

Let's Get Moving! Active Games for Bilingual Learning!


Learning a second language doesn't have to be confined to textbooks and flashcards. Incorporatin...

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bilingual storytime, language learning activities, bilingual childcare, children's development, vocabulary building

Games Galore: Fun Activities for Bilingual Story Time


Storytime is a cherished tradition for families worldwide. But how can you make it even more enrichi...

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bilingual learning, music education, language acquisition, children's songs, bilingual childcare

Music Magic: Using Songs to Teach Languages


Have you ever noticed how a catchy tune can get stuck in your head for days?  That's the ma...

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bilingual childcare, bilingual dads, second language learning, engaging with children, nanny language

Dad Hacks: Engaging with Your Children in Their Second Language


Feeling a little lost when it comes to your child's second language? You're not alone! Many...

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Bridging Cultures: How Technology Enhances Language Learning at Home Introduction

Bridging Cultures: How Technology Enhances Language Learning at Home Introduction


In our world that's more connected than ever, learning a new language and understanding differen...

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