Looking for a family helper 寻找住家家政

We are looking for someone who can come help in our house 5 days a week, roughly 7:45am-12noon every day. We are looking for someone to be part of our family to help with driving our children to school (both my children are teenagers), cooking and cleaning but we are flexible with the tasks depending on your specialty. Looking forward to hearing back from you. 我们正在寻找可以每周 5 天(大约每天早上 7 点 45 分至中午 12 点)来我们家帮忙的人。 我们正在寻找人加入我们的家庭,能帮助我们开车送孩子上学(我的两个孩子都是青少年)、做饭和打扫卫生,我们会根据你的工作经验而决定你适合做什么。

Job Type
Domestic Care
Desired Living
$20 per Day
5 day(s) per week
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