Looking for maternity care and a nanny 寻找月嫂姨

Have a newborn due in November. Would like to hire someone for maternity care as a night nurse for 6 weeks starting in November rand then as a full time nanny for 5 days from 8am to 5pm. Would like someone who is fluent in English and mandarin. 有一个新生儿将在11月出生。想雇一个人从11月开始做6周的月嫂,然后做5天的全职阿姨,从早上8点到下午5点。 我想找一个能说流利英语和普通话的人。

Job Type
Child Care
Desired Living
$20 per Hour
2021-11-14 — 2024-09-01
5 day(s) per week
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