Babysitter/Nanny for toddler on Sundays mornings 寻找周日早上阿姨照顾小孩儿

We are looking for a babysitter / nanny for toddler boy 2.5 years old, on Sunday mornings for about 3 hours (9 am to noon). To play, read book, play at playground, give snack, lunch and put for nap. We are interested in bilingual sitter so the child learns the language. 我们在寻找阿姨照顾 2.5 岁的男孩,周日早上大约 3 小时(早上 9 点到中午),陪他玩,看书,吃点心,午饭,睡觉。我们对双语阿姨好喜欢,这样孩子也可以 学习语言。

Job Type
Child Care
Desired Living
$15 per Hour
2021-10-03 — TBD
1 day(s) per week
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