Postpartum Nanny Care 尋找月嫂

Hi! We are looking for a Postpartum Nanny for our family. This position is in Las Vegas, NV, United States, live in or live out, 6 Days per week, rate $150-180 Per Day, Flexible. The ideal candidate needs to speak Chinese Mandarin, or English, and can care for Infant. Please apply to the job to learn more about us! Looking forward to meeting you! :) 誠徵住家月嫂 預產期:2022年8月中 為期:1個月至2個月 地點:Las Vegas 語言:中文,少量英語 家中環境:新生寶寶,兩歲哥哥,寶媽,寶爸。月嫂會有自己的房間及浴室。 胎數:第2胎 工作內容: 照顧新生兒和寶媽,做月子餐 (每天三餐加點心),簡易產後護理和調理身體及協助哺乳,餵奶,嬰兒護理,拍嗝,換尿布,清洗寶寶用品衣物 ,保持家居整潔 防疫證明:Covid疫苗證明 身份要求:有經驗、需有合法身份,不菸不酒 薪資:私訊傾談

Job Type
Child Care
Desired Living
Live in
$180 per Day
2022-08-14 — TBD
6 day(s) per week
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