Looking for a Maternity Nanny/ 寻找月嫂

Hi! We are looking for Maternity Nanny. This position is in Park City, UT, USA, Any, 5 days per week, rate is $40 per Hour. The idea candidate needs to speak English, Chinese Mandarin language with Basic level of English. Preferred start date is 2022-08-06, time is 21:00 - 08:00. Please apply to the job to learn more about us. Looking forward to meeting you! 你好!我们正在寻找产妇保姆,我们位于美国犹他州帕克城。 每周五天,工资是$40每小时, 理想的候选人需要会说英文或中文普通话。 首选开始日期是 2022-08-06,时间为 21:00 - 08:00。请申请这份工作以了解更多关于我们的信息。期待与您见面

Job Type
Child Care
Desired Living
$40 per Hour
2022-08-06 — TBD
5 day(s) per week
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