Caring, bilingual preferred nanny 有爱心,会双语的保姆优先

We are expecting and we are looking for a caring, kind person to help us with our first child. We currently live in Oakland but may be spending the time in Utah. Our ideal applicant would be able to join us for our 3 months in Utah and, if available, join us for longer in Oakland, CA. We are looking for a bilingual nanny, fluent in Mandarin and some English preferred. 我们正在寻找一个有爱心、善良的人帮助我们照顾我们的第一个孩子。我们目前住在奥克兰,但可能会在犹他州度过这段时间。我们理想的申请人能够在犹他州和我们一起度过3个月的时间,如果可以的话,在加州奥克兰和我们一起度过更长时间。我们正在寻找一个双语保姆,能说流利的普通话和一些英语的优先。

Job Type
Child Care
Desired Living
Live in
$3000 per Month
2023-01-01 — TBD
7 day(s) per week
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