Helper Profile

月嫂WenDai R

$200 per Day
Accepting Job

Female, 63 years old

月嫂WenDai R

63 years old


$200 per Day
Accepting Job
Plano, TX, USA
Experience (Years)
8 (Taken Care of 50 kids / 3 seniors)
Fluently spoken language(s)
English, Chinese Mandarin
Child Care
Nanny, Sitter, Postpartum Nanny
Senior Care
Companion Caregiver, Patient Caregiver
Domestic Care
Cook, Housekeeper
Language Tutor, Health/Wellness
Family Assist
Personal Assistant
  • Child Care
  • Senior Care
  • Domestic Care
  • Family Assist
  • Learning
  • Nanny
  • Sitter
  • Postpartum Nanny
  • Daycare Teacher
  • Companion Caregiver
  • Patient Caregiver
  • Cook
  • Cleaner
  • Transportation
  • Housekeeper
  • Personal Assistant
  • Language Tutor
  • Art/Music/Science
  • Health/Wellness
  • Has Driver License
  • Has Car
  • Comfortable With Pets
Reviews (7)
  • Michelle: I am very happy to find Aunt Hao as our nanny through AyiConnect. Although it was only for two months, my aunt returned my husband and I to the children and took care of them like their own sons, daughters and grandsons. When we were sick and uncomfortable, my aunt would take the initiative to help us make healthy food for us, and the cold would be cured in a few days. Auntie is really very good at taking care of babies. Although I am already a mother of two children, there are still many things I don’t understand about taking care of newborns. With Auntie here, the baby’s diarrhea problem has also been solved, and the problem of sensitive skin has also been solved. We also get along well with our eldest son. When my husband and I are temporarily away from home, we are very relieved to entrust our children to Aunt Hao for the time being. Aunt Hao loves cleanliness very, very much. The room she lives in often looks like no one has lived in it before. The sheets and quilts are always clean and tidy, and the sanitation of the whole house is also taken care of very thoughtfully. I feel really lucky to meet Aunt Hao. ! Hope to have the opportunity to ask Aunt Hao to serve our family again in the future. 2018.5.28
    2022-05-07 16:13:01
  • From : Emily As a retired obstetrician, Auntie Hao has a very professional background in caring for babies and mothers, and she is constantly learning the latest knowledge about childcare, and has a very scientific understanding of newborns' gross motor and sleep habits. She is also very professional in caring for mothers. During my 3 months at home, Auntie Hao used her expertise to help me with pelvic repositioning and sciatic nerve recovery, so that I could quickly recover from the pain of not being able to walk and sleep after a good birth. And my postpartum hypertension was also restored through Auntie Hao's menstrual meal and rehabilitation guidance. Auntie Hao is also very concerned about the maternal heart health, every time a little confused when Auntie Hao can find timely guidance. Auntie Hao is a good cook, she will match the diet according to the needs of the mother and her family, and the meal is full of flavor. Sometimes she would rather sacrifice her own time off to make a meal for me specifically for my favorite handmade pasta, is to treat you as your own daughter. Auntie Hao is very enthusiastic and diligent, so don't worry about leaving your baby with her.
    2022-05-05 18:25:40
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