Helper Profile

Kimberlee H

$3500 per Month
Accepting Job

Female, 26 years old

Kimberlee H

26 years old


$3500 per Month
Accepting Job
Denton, Texas, USA
Experience (Years)
5 (Taken Care of 5 kids / 3 seniors)
Fluently spoken language(s)
Child Care
Nanny, Sitter, Postpartum Nanny
Senior Care
Companion Caregiver, Patient Caregiver
Domestic Care
Cook, Cleaner, Housekeeper
  • Child Care
  • Senior Care
  • Domestic Care
  • Family Assist
  • Learning
  • Nanny
  • Sitter
  • Postpartum Nanny
  • Daycare Teacher
  • Companion Caregiver
  • Patient Caregiver
  • Cook
  • Cleaner
  • Driver
  • Housekeeper
  • Personal Assistant
  • Language Tutor
  • Art/Music/Science
  • Health/Wellness
  • Has Driver License
  • Has Car
  • Comfortable With Pets
Reviews (2)
  • From Patsy R: Her role was customer service taking care of books paying the pay outs and what ever else come about! She was with me 5 yrs! Yes I would! Her age group she did - Kimberlee H.
    2021-11-19 09:10:54
  • From Delia K: Her was to take care of my son who was 10 years old when she started. She took care of most of the basic roles of caregiver would like watching my son while I was at work taking him to school helping him with school work at home taking him to activities feeding him doing lighthouse work and errands for me and also taking him to my mother's so he could spend time with his grandmother and watching him during that time as well she would help my mom with errands as well he just turned 15 so he's a little bit more independent now and we no longer need her since I'm working from home due to covid I'm here to basically fill whatever needs he may have so because she did help me with my son and my mom I would recommend her for the youth group or for elderly because during the 5 years we never had any problems - Kimberlee H.
    2021-11-19 09:10:17
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