She was my cleaning partner. We worked together for about 6 months. Brittany cleaned and sanitized different surfaces, took the trash out as well as r ...
I was fortunate to have 子墨as our confinement lady. She was with us this past February and we even extended her help by 5 days. She is highly profess ...
I am looking for full time nanny position. My objective is to use my experience and knowledge to offer educational services to the youth. To create an ...
Reviewed by Concierge Family
Mar 2022
Tamara worked as nanny to my younger daughter from the time she was 6 months old. Tamara performed many duties for my daughter including prepping meal ...
Green card, from Tianjin, home and commute can be (mainly depends on the distance), has 8 years of experience in taking care of young children and 3 y ...
Reviewed by Concierge Family
Apr 2021
We hired Mrs. Wang as a caregiver for my 95 year old mother.
She took good care of my mother and has good relation with us.
Mrs Wang performs routi ...
From Deitra:
Azaria has worked for me in the pass for approximately 6 months. She babysat for my children ages 3 & 7. She watched them, took them to ...
Hello My name is Carmen rodriguez i am 26 years old . I am a mother of 1 but a sibling of many. I am oldest child. I grewup Raising my Brothers and si ...
Reviewed by Jason A.
Nov 2021
From Jason A.: Carmen is an outstanding employee, always goes the extra mile . She was a Nanny , with us for about 3 Years . She took kids to school, ...
I’m a 32yr old mother of two highly energetic an loves to be around kids. I love watching Disney movies with my little one as well as coloring with he ...
Reviewed by Rebecca L
Nov 2021
From Rebecca L: She was my babysitter for 5 years. She watched me while my grandma was not home. She cooked and cleaned up the house. She took me to t ...
What type of nanny services can I find in New York, NY?
On AyiConnect, you can find various types of nanny services in New York, New York. There are nannies who are bilingual in different languages such as Mandarin Chinese, nannies who specialized in newborn and infant care (Yuesao or maternity nannies), nannies that only help with kids overnight (night nannies), and nannies who are looking for a live-in arrangement. You can search for full-time or part-time nannies with different experience levels to find the one that fits your family’s needs.
How much does it cost to hire a nanny in New York, NY?
The average cost to hire a nanny in New York, New York on AyiConnect is $63 per hour. Nannies determine their expected salary based on their experience level, their skills such as cooking, bilingualism and the location they are in. The cost may increase if there are more kids, additional job requirements, longer hours, specialized skills, and travel required. It is recommended to have a specific list of tasks and a schedule to talk with the nannies to align on expectations and discuss reasonable salary.
How can I find a nanny in New York, NY?
To find a nanny in New York, New York, you can first visit AyiConnect. Based on your location, it will populate a list of nannies that are close to you. You can then review their key information on the card and select the ones that you are interested in learning more about her background. If you are interested in connecting further, you can initiate a chat session with her and schedule a voice or video interview session with her.