we have two kids who need after school help. our sitter is on vacation. we don’t have pet at the house and no one is sick. vaccinated only. thank you for your attention!
hi can I get someone to help me watch two kids. they are very good and just need someone to engage with them after school. our current sitter isn’t available so need one someone tomorrow.
hi we are looking for someone close to Allen who’s willing with work with 3 and 6 yos in the afternoon and one day on Sunday. ideal candidate: good to engage and share hobby with kids, positive.
To start your job search on AyiConnect, you can narrow down the available babysitting positions by your location, rate, and specific job responsibilities. Then, you can create a babysitter profile that describes your babysitting experience, your hourly rate, availability, and other preferences so families can contact you if you are fit with what they are looking for. Make sure your profile is as detailed as possible. This can help the family review your experiences and decide whether you’re a good fit with what they are looking for.
Are families hiring babysitters during the pandemic?
Many parents still need help with their kids, even if they're working from home because of COVID. However, it is expected that some families are COVID cautious and are very careful about bringing someone into their home, but AyiConnect.com can help you ease those concerns. We have recently added an enhancement to the helper's profile where you can indicate if you are COVID vaccinated or prefer to discuss with them directly. This can help start a productive conversation between you and the families. When you do land a babysitting job, make sure you thoroughly review the latest CDC guidelines so you can keep yourself and the family safe while you're working.