Looking for part-time nanny 寻找兼职保姆

We are looking for a flexible, reliable part-time nanny to help care for our 14 month old son about 15-20 hours/week. We live in Nob Hill/Chinatown area of San Francisco. Need help with meal prep, feeding, and light housekeeping as well. Vietnamese speaking would be preferred but not required. 我们正在寻找一个灵活、可靠的兼职保姆,帮助照顾我们14个月大的儿子,大约15-20小时/周。我们住在旧金山的Nob Hill/Chinatown地区。 需要帮助准备饭菜,喂食,以及轻微的家务。 会说越南语的人优先,但不是必须的。

Job Type
Child Care
Desired Living
Live out
$25 per Hour
2021-12-01 — TBD
6 day(s) per week
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