Looking for a in home daycare Teacher on 10/24/2022 寻找家庭日托老师

Hi! We are looking for a in home daycare Teacher for our family. This position is in Decatur, DeKalb County, Georgia, United States, live out, 5 Days per week, rate $16 Per Hour, Flexible. The ideal candidate needs to speak Chinese Mandarin or Spanish, and can care for a infant. Please apply to the job to learn more about us! Looking forward to meeting you! 你好! 我们正在为我们的家人寻找家庭日托老师。 这个职位在美国佐治亚州迪卡尔布县迪凯特,每周工作 5 天,收费 16 美元/小时,灵活。 理想的候选人需要会说中文普通话或西班牙语,并且可以照顾婴儿。 请申请工作以了解更多关于我们的信息! 期待与您见面!

Job Type
Child Care
Desired Living
$16 per Hour
2022-10-24 — TBD
5 day(s) per week
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